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Transfer Cargo Pane

Starships —> Transfer Cargo Pane


The Transfer Cargo Pane is used to transfer cargo between a planet/starbase and a starship, and between starships. It can be activated by selecting the Transfer action from:


When the Transfer action is selected, if there is more than one possible target for the transfer, a selection menu will appear, and it will be necessary to select the target from that menu. If there is only one possible transfer target, that target will be automatically selected.

The Transfer Cargo Pane allows transfer of cargo between starships and planets, starbases, and other starships.

For each item type that can be transferred, there will be a line in the Transfer Cargo Pane. That line will contain information on the amount of the item type available for transfer, and transfer arrows for 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 of the items in each direction. To transfer the item, select the appropriate arrows. To transfer the maximum possible number of an item type, hold the Shift key while selecting the arrow.

Failed Foreign Transfers

After all transfers to foreign starships have been completed, all receiving starships are checked to see if they're overloaded (cargo or fuel in excess of capacity). Any overloaded starship will return excess cargo to the sending starship. Cargo is returned in the following order:

  1. Clans
  2. Supplies
  3. Duranium
  4. Tritanium
  5. Molybdenum

Finally, if the sending starship has excess cargo after the return step, then its cargo is trimmed in a proportional manner, regardless of quantity transferred. Any leftover fractions are truncated, potentially resulting in a gap in the cargo room.

For example, if a Large Freighter tried to send 120 tritanium, 80 molybdenum, and 200 supplies to a foreign Gemini Transport, but the latter already has 40 kilotons of cargo (maximum of 400), then the Gemini will return 40 supplies. If the Large Freighter has filled its cargo room with 1,200 clans, then its cargo will be trimmed to 1,161 clans and 38 supplies.

NOTE: There are reports that the proportionate oversupply returns may include ammunition, contrary to the announced intent of this change. Further clarification will be provided as and when the information becomes available.


Initiator Target Direction
Munitions A
Starship Unowned Planet To B , C Yes Yes Yes Yes D No E , N No N
Starship Planet – Same owner To/From Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Starship Planet – Foreign To C , F Yes Yes Yes Yes G No E , N No N
Starship Starship – Same owner To/From Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Starship Starship – Foreign To C , H Yes Yes Yes Yes No I , N No J , N
Planet Starship – Same owner To/From Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Planet Starship – Foreign To F No No No No No K No
Starbase Starship – Same owner To/From Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Starbase Starship – Foreign To F No L No No No No K No M


  1. Munitions consists of Fighters and Torpedoes.
  2. The Beam Up missions may be used to transfer fuel, minerals and supplies from an unowned planet.
  3. A starship may only transfer to one foreign planet or one foreign starship in a given turn. In addition, a starship may not perform a Jettison action when it's transferring to a foreign starship.
  4. Transfer of clans to an unowned planet will cause it to become owned.
  5. The BDM Friendly Code may be used to perform this action.
  6. If Friendly Codes match, the Beam Up missions may be used to transfer fuel, minerals and supplies from a foreign planet.
  7. Transfer of clans to a foreign planet will immediately initiate ground combat.
  8. Transfers from a starship to a foreign starship are not limited by the fuel or cargo capacity of the foreign starship. Excess fuel and cargo will be lost. In addition, it is possible for a starship to have multiple transfers to a single foreign starship, interspersed with transfers from a planet.
  9. The BTM Friendly Code may be used to perform this action.
  10. The BTF or BTT Friendly Code may be used to perform this action.
  11. The BUM Friendly Code may be used to perform this action.
  12. The starbase can use Refuel Primary Order to load fuel on board foreign starships that match Friendly Codes
  13. The starbase can use Load torps onto ships Primary Order to load torpedoes on board foreign starships that match Friendly Codes
  14. For Standard games created on or after November 29, 2018, this action will work. This can also be set for Custom games. Announcement

See also: Out of Fuel.
