VGA Planets


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General Information



Searchable Documentation

Host Order

This documentation describes the order in which various tasks are performed in the Host application on the server between turns. The order of the documented tasks is known, and was determined either through detailed experimentation or by the developers providing the information.

Host Order - Simplified Version

  1. Update of client-side actions
  2. Lock towbeam
  3. Cloak
  4. Meteor shower
  5. Sensor sweep, bioscan
  6. Loki first decloak
  7. Cloak fail
  8. Superspy, including Friendly Code changes etc.
  9. Minefield Friendly Codes established
  10. Lady Royale generates MegaCredits
  11. Most Mission 9, in order of ID:
    1. Rob
    2. Hisssss!
    3. Build fighters (includes LFM )
    4. Repair Self (Cyborg)
    5. Dark Sense
  12. Cargo drop (ship to foreign planet - by ID)
    • Including Imperial Assault and Ground Combat
  13. Transfers (ship to foreign ship)
  14. Beam transfer Friendly Codes (by ID)
    • Including give starships ( GSX )
  15. Planets beam up money ( BUM )
  16. Beam Up (Gather) missions
  17. Alchemy
  18. Lay mines
  19. Lay web mines
  20. Ion storms move, then act
  21. Mine sweep/scoop
  22. Mine decay
  23. Mines destroy mines
  24. New minefield Friendly Codes established
  25. Web drain
  26. Starbases fix or recycle ships
  27. Priority builds
  28. First build new ships
  29. Clone ships
  30. Super Refit
  31. Force Surrender at starbase
  32. Mass check, repair, and MKT (includes Empire Fighter Transfer)
  33. Towing ships move
    1. Resolve tow lock contests
    2. Tow capture
    3. Check for impact
    4. Warpwell calculation
    5. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel
    6. Star cluster radiation
  34. Most ships move (Incl. HYP )
    • Including above substeps
  35. Intercepting ships move
    • Including above substeps
  36. Glory device ships detonate
  37. Firecloud Chunnel
  38. Loki second decloak
  39. Starbase Primary Orders: Refuel, Max Defense, Unload All Freighters, Load Torps Onto Starships, Repair Base
  40. Starbases build 'free' fighters
  41. Starbases dump parts ( DMP )
  42. Mass check, repair, and MKT
  43. New natives appear
  44. Land and Disassemble
  45. Loki third decloak
  46. Glory device ships detonate
  47. Mass check, repair, and MKT
  48. Ship vs. ship combat
  49. Cyborg gather debris
  50. Mass check, repair, and MKT
  51. Ship vs. planet/starbase combat
  52. Minefield Friendly Codes established
  53. Terraforming
  54. Structure decay
  55. Pillage planets
  56. Rebel Ground Attack
  57. Happiness change computed
  58. Supplies produced (includes Bovinoids)
  59. Taxes produce MegaCredits
  60. Cyborg assimilate natives
  61. Population growth
  62. Overpopulation dies/eats supplies
  63. Amorphous worms eat clans
  64. Riots
  65. Civil wars
  66. Mines produce minerals
  67. Trans-uranium mutation
  68. Second priority build (Classic PBP system only)
  69. Second ship build
  70. Mass check, repair, and MKT
  71. Autobuild to Targets
  72. Scan (also Explore)
  73. Share ally information
  74. Make scoreboard
  75. Send Player to Player Messages
  76. Check for Winner

Host Order - Complete

There are a few items that are known to be missing even from this 'complete' Host Order, but we haven't been able to verify exactly where they belong. Once the locations have been verified, they will be placed into the proper locations.

  1. Update of client-side actions:
    1. Upload and validation of clientside data and action lists
      • Diplomacy changes
      • Scan updates
    2. Own cargo transfers
      • Mass check (for ion storms et cetera)
      • Transfers
      • Flag jettisons
    3. Planetary structures built
      • Starbases
      • Horwasp pods
    4. Items built at starbase
      • Defenses
      • Fighters
      • Torpedoes
      • Ship components
    5. Jettison from ships (not including ammunition)
    6. Kill Race (Fight or Fail)
  2. Lock towbeam
    • Repair ship repairs (Sage)
  3. Cloak
    • Activate Chameleon (CAMPAIGN)
  4. Meteor shower
  5. Wormholes spawn and change
  6. Sensor sweep & bioscan
  7. Loki first decloak
  8. Cloak fail, including Nebula
  9. Superspy, including Friendly Code changes and Ion Pulse
  10. Minefield Friendly Codes established
  11. Lady Royale generates MegaCredits
  12. Most Mission 9, in order of ID:
    1. Rob
    2. Hisssss!
    3. Build fighters (incl. LFM )
    4. Repair Self (Cyborg)
    5. Dark sense
  13. Cargo drop (ship to foreign planet - by ID)
    1. Including Imperial Assault and Ground Combat
  14. Transfers (ship to foreign ship)
    1. Beam transfer Friendly Codes (by ID)
    2. Friendly Codes give ships ( gsX )
    3. Planets beam up money ( BUM )
    4. Beam Up (Gather) missions
  15. Alchemy
  16. Command Ship Flotilla Mass Check
  17. Command Ship Groups Move Towing (CAMPAIGN)
    1. Resolve tow lock contests
    2. Tow capture
    3. Check for impact with debris disks, minefields, and star clusters
    4. Warpwell calculation
    5. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel based on distance traveled under power
    6. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  18. Command Ship Groups Move Normal (CAMPAIGN)
    1. Check for impact with debris disks, minefields, and star clusters
    2. Warpwell calculation
    3. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel based on distance traveled under power
    4. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  19. Selenite Push/Pull minefields (CAMPAIGN)
  20. Lay mines (ships then starbases - CAMPAIGN)
  21. Lay web mines (ships then starbases - CAMPAIGN)
  22. Ion storms:
    1. Move
    2. Merge
    3. Decloak ships
    4. Damage ships
    5. Drag ships
    6. New storms formed
    7. Affect minefields
  23. Mine sweep/scoop (Note: first ships then starbases - CAMPAIGN)
    1. Mine sweep
    2. Mine decay
    3. Mines destroy mines
    4. New minefield Friendly Codes established
    5. Mine scan
    6. Web drain
  24. Starbases fix or recycle ships
  25. Priority builds
  26. First build new ships
  27. Clone ships
  28. Super refit
  29. Force a surrender at starbase
  30. Mass check, repair & MKT
    1. Includes Empire Fighter Transfer
  31. Towing ships move
    1. Resolve tow lock contests
    2. Tow capture
    3. Check for impact with debris disks, minefields, and star clusters
    4. Warpwell calculation
    5. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel based on distance traveled under power
    6. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  32. Most ships move (Incl. HYP )
    1. Check for impact with debris disks, minefields, and star clusters
    2. Warpwell calculation
    3. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel based on distance traveled under power
    4. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  33. Tantrum Liner Tantrums - CAMPAIGN
  34. Intercepting ships move
    1. Check for impact with debris disks, minefields, and star clusters
    2. Warpwell calculation
    3. Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel based on distance traveled under power
    4. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
  35. Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for non-moving ships
    1. Includes Ghost Ship capture at end of step
  36. Wormhole transit
  37. Glory devices detonate
  38. Firecloud Chunnel
  39. Loki second decloak
  40. Lorean Temporal Lance (CAMPAIGN)
  41. Starbase Primary Orders - Refuel, Max Defense, Unload All Freighters, Load Torps Onto Starships, Repair Base + Send Money, Receive Money (CAMPAIGN)
  42. Starbases build 'free' fighters
  43. Starbases dump parts ( DMP )
  44. Mass check, repair & MKT
  45. New natives appear
  46. Land and Disassemble (used to be called "Colonize")
  47. Energy Defense Fields Activate (burn 50 fuel) - CAMPAIGN
  48. Loki third decloak
  49. Glory devices detonate
  50. Mass check, repair & MKT
  51. Ship vs. ship combat
    1. Intercepting ships with cloaking devices
    2. Each other ship can attack
  52. Cyborg gather debris
  53. Gorbie Destroy Planet - CAMPAIGN
  54. Mass check, repair & MKT
  55. Ship vs. planet/starbase combat
  56. Minefield Friendly Codes established
  57. Terraforming
  58. Structure decay
  59. Pillage/Plunder planets
  60. Rebel Ground Attack
  61. Happiness change computed
  62. Supplies produced (includes Bovinoids)
  63. Enlighten Class Educator ability - CAMPAIGN
  64. Taxes produce MegaCredits (if HP > 30)
  65. Cyborg assimilate natives
  66. Population growth (if HP > 69)
  67. Overpopulation dies/eats supplies
  68. Amorphous worms eat clans
  69. Riots
  70. Civil wars
  71. Ore Condensing - CAMPAIGN
  72. Mines produce minerals
  73. Trans-uranium mutation
  74. Second priority build (Classic PBP system only)
  75. Second ship build
  76. Mass check, repair & MKT
  77. Autobuild to Targets
  78. Scan (Superspy & Explore)
  79. Scan for starships
  80. Empire Dark Detection - CAMPAIGN
  81. Kill Race (Drop, Dead -- if active)
  82. Scan for Planets (Explore and Nebulas)
  83. Share ally information
  84. Make score log (includes Priority Build Points)
    • Includes FoF determination and warning (if active)
  85. Send Player to Player Messages
  86. Check for Winner

Previous Version Archive

These earlier versions of the Host Order have been archived, so that the history can be seen. This is not a complete history, only the high points. These are all in PDF.

Missing Items

The following items are currently missing from the Host Order list. They will be placed into that list when the exact order can be determined.
