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Emork's Legacy

General Information —> Setup Options —> Emork's Legacy

To celebrate retaking the Crown, Emperor Emork The Lizard King gave a present to all Commanders of the Nuniverse.

After being unseated as Emperor, Emork scoured the Nuniverse for something to give him the power needed to retake the throne. In his wanderings, he found several Ancient Artifacts of Power. It is these Ancient Artifacts of Power that he wishes to make available to the Commanders.

Emperor Emork hasn't been able to determine exactly what these Ancient Artifacts of Power actually do, and he asks the Commanders of the Nuniverse to help with this monumental task.

When a Commander identifies a new power of an Ancient Artifact, please send a PM containing the information to @Editors for verification. Once verified, the information will be added to the log below. In a highly competitive game, the finder might wish to remain anonymous until the end of the game. This request will be honored.

So far, he has established the following facts:

At this time, it is unknown whether or not two Artifacts will generate new Powers when used on a Planet. In addition, it is unknown whether or not three or more Artifacts in the same location will generate additional Powers.

 On a Planet

Power Discoverer Stardate
Double mining rate. Needs clarification for Feds and Lizards. Othrym Year 83
Double mining rate verified for Reptilian natives. Bondservant Year 83
On a normal planet (no Feds, Lizards or Reptilians), two Artifacts generates triple mining rate. Othrym Year 83
Increases the planet's Ground Defense Ratio by 10. Needs clarification for Lizards and Fury. Spacepilot Year 91
Increases Native happiness by 5 points per turn. Crnh Year 91
Increases Colonist happiness by 5 points per turn. Othrym Year 94

 On a Starship

Artifact Power Discoverer Stardate
Blood The starship can move without using fuel. Corsair Year 87
Blood There is no effect on movement by HyperJumping. Movement by Chunnel is currently unknown. Peyoan Year 130
Blood There is no effect on movement by Chunnel. Peyoan Year 130
Blood As they are not related to movement, fuel usage of the Cloak and Chameleon abilities are not effected by this Artifact. Peyoan Year 130
Bones 100% combat mass bonus (needs verification for Feds and with Saber Class Shield Generator). This bonus is based on the combat mass prior to the right-side bonus. Bondservant Year 83
Bones Combat mass bonus verified to not include bonus from Saber Class Shield Generator. Rob73 Year 87
Flesh Ground Combat ratio is set to 50 for colonists dropped from this starship. The effect on dropped Fury and Lizards needs to be verified. Sirad / Bluejay Year 96
Flesh Ground Combat ratio is set to 50 for Lizards. It is safe to assume that it's 50 for Fury as well. Emperor_stimpy Year 110
Mind Decreases the distance at which a ship can be scanned. This works while towing and minesweeping. The exact distance is less than 30 light-years, but not yet known exactly. Kozack Year 96
Mind Exact distance 10 light-years or less. Still not known exactly. McNimble Year 108
Mind Exact distance 5 light-years. Root Year 130
Spirit Doubles the charge rate of beam weapons on the ship. This needs to be tested for Fury in Standard. Kozack Year 94
Spirit This has no impact on any startship that already has fast-recharge beams. Taylac Year 117
At least 290 Clans are created on the ship each turn. The game ended before the exact number was able to be determined. Siltur Year 86
Up to 500 Clans are created each turn, subject to the cargo space limitations of the starship. Anonymous Year 94
Raise the temperature of the planet being orbitted by 5°W each turn. The temperature limit of this action is unknown, but is above 50°W. Yakkamole Year 105
Raise the temperature of the planet being orbitted by 5°W each turn with an upper limit of 100°W. Fahlkirk Year 130
Improves engine tech +1 per turn up to tech 10. Kozack Year 94
Up to 50 torpedos appear per turn if ship has tubes and free cargo space. Obiwan-Kedoki Year 113
Lowers the temperature of the planet being orbitted by 5°W each turn. The temperature limit of this action is unknown. Maberi Year 111
Lowers the temperature of the planet being orbitted by 5°W each turn with a lower limit of 0°W. EscipiĆ³n el Africano Year 130
Improves torpedo tech +1 per turn up to tech 10 if ship has torpedo tubes. Any torpedoes on the starship are also upgraded. Othrym Year 86
Generates 50 fighters per turn when on a Carrier, up to the cargo limit. Othrym Year 87
Raises native government level by 20 percentage points (1 level) each turn with an upper limit of Unity (180%). Peyoan / Turssi Year 130
Improves all mineral densities +10% per turn up to 100% if ship orbits a planet. Riftsoarer Year 106
Improves beam tech +1 per turn up to tech 10 if ship has beams. Othrym Year 85
