The Cloak and Intercept mission allows Birdmen starships (equipped with cloaking device) to remain cloaked while performing an intercept. If your starship sets its Primary Enemy to match your intercept target, it will engage that one starship in combat before the regular combat phase. If your starship survives that combat with no damage, it will stay cloaked and set its Primary Enemy to None.
If the starship does not have a Primary Enemy set, or is set to a player other than the intercept target, or is set to a player being granted Safe Passage, the starship will intercept and remain cloaked if it can. In this case, it will not initiate combat.
It is important to note that any starship which loses its current active cloak before the Intercept step will intercept as if it never had a cloaking device in the first place. Additionally, if the cloak is lost for any reason (damage or otherwise), its Primary Enemy is preserved even if it wins the battle against its intended target.
See also: Out of Fuel , Intercept and Intercept Interference.