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Visual Combat Replay

Dashboard —> VCR

This utility can be accessed either by using the Dashboard buttons or by selecting it on the left menu bar. It lists and displays recreations of the previous turn's combats. The VCR utility also gives access to the Battle Simulator.

Pressing the Dashboard button for the VCR utility automatically opens the series of battles in the VCR display. The menu bar link will instead open the interface. When more than one battle was fought during the preceding Host run, each will be listed in sequence on the interface screen, and each can be viewed individually.

From the battle screen, the speed of each engagement replay can be controlled from the top menu bar (slow, medium, fast and fastest), and there are also buttons to go to the previous or next engagements. Since these are merely replays, there is no way to impact the flow of battle from this screen.

Since this utility reproduces the original coding precisely, it also contains the graphics glitches seen in the original game. These include lagged battles, fighters that are not displayed in the appropriate positions, and similar cosmetic errors. In order to clear them and view the combats properly, it may be best to run them individually from the interface screen.
