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Weapon Technical Details

Starships —> Weapon Technical Details
Starships have access to the following weapons systems:

Torpedoes can only be transferred to a starship with a torpedo tube of a matching tech level. To build a torpedo, it is necessary to have 1 KT each of Duranium, Tritanium and Molybdenum, in addition to the MegaCredits listed in the table below. Torpedoes of any tech, up to the torpedo tech of the starbase, can be built on a starbase. In addition, any starship with torpedo tubes may build torpedoes for its tubes.

The damage done to an enemy target is measured in two different ways: destructive power and killing power.

Destructive power (Blast) is a measure of how much damage can be done to the shields, superstructure, engines and weapon systems of an enemy ship.

Killing power (Kill) is a measure of how deadly the weapon is to the crew of an enemy ship. If all of the crew of a ship is killed, that ship is rendered helpless and is captured.

Every torpedo has about a 65% chance of hitting its target. Torpedoes do twice their rated damage against shields.

Torpedo Blast and Kill Power
Rule Set
  Torpedo Launcher
Torpedo Tech Level
Range Kill Blast MC Mines Mass MC Dur Tri Moly
Mark 1 Photon 1 Y Y 30000 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 0
Mark 1c Photon 1 Y 30000 4 15 1 1 2 1 1 1 0
Proton Torp 2 Y Y 30000 6 8 2 4 2 4 0 1 0
Light Proton 2 Old 32000 6 8 2 4 2 5 0 1 0
Light Proton+ 2 Y 32000 6 18 5 4 2 4 0 1 0
Mark 2 Photon 3 Y Y 30000 3 10 5 9 2 4 4 1 0
Mark 2b Photon 3 Old 30000 3 10 3 9 2 4 4 1 0
Mark 2c Photon 3 Y 30000 3 20 3 9 2 4 1 1 1
Gamma Bomb 3 Y Y Y 30000 15 2 10 16 4 6 3 1 1
Mark 3 Photon 4 Y Y 30000 9 15 12 25 2 5 1 1 5
Mark 3b Photon 4 Old 30000 9 15 8 25 2 5 1 1 5
Mark 3c Photon 4 Y 30000 9 25 8 25 2 5 1 1 3
Mark 4 Photon 5 Y Y Y 30000 13 30 13 36 2 20 4 1 1
Mark 5 Photon 6 Y Y 30000 17 35 31 49 3 57 7 1 14
Heavy Proton 6 Old 32000 17 35 31 49 3 57 7 1 14
Heavy Proton+ 6 Y 32000 17 35 25 49 3 57 5 1 5
Mark 6 Photon 7 Y Y 30000 23 40 35 64 2 100 2 1 7
Mark 6b Photon 7 Old 30000 23 40 35 64 2 80 2 1 3
Mark 6c Photon 7 Y 30000 23 40 30 64 2 80 2 1 3
Mark 7 Photon 8 Y Y Y 30000 25 48 36 81 3 120 3 1 8
Mark 8 Photon 10 Y Y Y 30000 35 55 54 100 3 190 1 1 9
Quantum Torp 10 Y Y 34000 37 65 80 121 4 250 3 3 9

NOTE: The launch tubes for Quantum torpedoes may only be built by the Federation.

Beam Weapon Blast and Kill Power
Swept per turn Weapon Cost
Beam Tech Level Slot Mass Kill Blast Mines Webmines MC Dur Tri Moly
Laser 1 1 1 10 3 4 3 1 0 1 0
X-Ray Laser 1 2 1 15 1 16 12 2 0 1 0
Plasma Bolt 2 3 2 3 10 36 27 5 2 1 0
Blaster 3 4 4 10 25 64 48 10 12 1 1
Positron Beam 4 5 3 9 29 100 75 12 12 1 5
Disruptor 5 6 4 30 20 144 108 13 12 1 1
Heavy Blaster 6 7 7 20 40 196 147 31 12 1 14
Phaser 7 8 5 30 35 256 192 35 12 1 30
Heavy Disruptor 8 9 7 50 35 324 243 36 17 1 37
Heavy Phaser 10 10 6 35 45 400 300 54 12 1 55
Fighter N/A N/A N/A 2 2 20 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

This unofficial table provides some insight into actual damage points inflicted by certain classes of torpedoes on various vessels. It is incomplete but still gives enough information to put things into perspective. It's posted by courtesy of Cpt. Spiff.
