This Racial Advantage has been retired, effective January 1, 2022. Games using this Racial Advantage will continue as they are, but new games will not use it.
The Birdmen, always superlative at espionage, have developed an advantage that extends their Super Spy Deluxe advantage. When starships belonging to a Birdman player with the Super Spy Command advantage engage in combat with a planet with a Friendly Code of NTP , fighters will not be launched by either the planet or the starbase.
The Super Spy Command advantage requires Super Spy Deluxe advantage to be enabled in order to be effective.
This advantage is disabled by default, and can be researched with Campaign Resources. This advantage is triggered by combat with a planet having a Friendly Code of NTP .
This advantage is worth 40 advantage points and is only available to The Empire of the Birds.
The research cost for this advantage is: