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Rob Ship

Dashboard —> Advantages —> Rob Ships

The Privateer Bands are very good at taking the cargo and fuel from the starships other races. This is the result of long years researching methods of transporting through shields. Due to the required precision of the transporter settings, and the roughness of the landing, fighters and torpedoes can not be taken. For this to work, the transporter power is tuned by the beam transducers, limiting the starships that can perform this mission.

If the Rob Fighters Campaign advantage is active, a Privateer carrier with a Rob Ship mission will transport pilots to carriers being robbed. These pilots are able to fly 10% of the fighters off the carrier, but only half of them will make it back to the Privateer carrier.

This advantage is enabled by default, and can not be disabled. The Rob Ship mission is used to trigger this advantage.

This advantage is worth 120 advantage points and is only available to The Privateer Bands.
