Taxes, Happiness and Growth - Details
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Taxes —> Details
Taxes, happiness, population and planetary structures are all related in a complex system. This page tries to describe the relationships.
Total taxes collected are the sum of colonist taxes collected and native taxes collected. Total taxes collected from a planet can not exceed 5,000 MegaCredits.
Colonist Taxes
If the colonist happiness is more than 30, the taxes collected from the colonists are calculated as follows:
Taxes = (Colonist Clans) * (Colonist Tax Rate) * (Racial Tax Modifier) / 10
The following should be kept in mind when working with colonist taxes:
The tax rate is between 0% and 100%.
The taxes that can be collected from the colonists on a planet can not exceed 5,000 MegaCredits.
The Racial Tax Modifier is 1.0 for most races, but 2.0 for The Solar Federation.
If the happiness level is at 30 happiness points or less, any attempts at taxing the colonists will be ineffective, and happiness will increase as if the tax is at 0%.
Colonist Happiness
The Happiness score must not be higher than 100, but can be negative.
The new colonist happiness value is calculated as follows:
(New Happiness) = (Old Happiness) + TRUNC((1000 - SQRT(Colonist Clans) - 80 * (Colonist Tax Rate) - ABS(BaseTemp - Temperature) * 3 - (Factories + Mines) / 3 ) /100)
Colonist happiness is also decreased by combat involving orbiting starships.
The following should be kept in mind when working with colonist happiness:
The happiness can not exceed 100 happiness points.
The BaseTemp is 50°W for most races, but 100°W for Crystals.
After the new happiness is computed, if the colonists are rioting (Happiness < 40), they will destroy 8 factories and 10 mines per turn; the same is true if they're fighting (Happiness < 20).
After the new happiness is computed, if the colonists are in a civil war (Happiness < 0), they will destroy an additional 8 factories and 10 mines per turn.
After the new happiness is computed, if the colonists are in a civil war, 30% of the population plus an additional 100 clans (both the natives and the colonists) are killed. Amorphous natives are not killed during civil wars.
Colonist Maximum Population
The maximum number of colonists that can live on a planet without requiring supplies, depends on the race and on the planet's temperature.
Due to the lack of an atmosphere, any colonists living on a planetoid will require either supplies or a mining station. If neither of these are available, the population will decline. If a mining station is present, there can be 500 clans of colonists without needing supplies.
The maximum number of Crystal clans that can live on a planet without relying on supplies, or decreasing, may be computed as follows:
(Maximum Population) = (Planet Temperature) * 1000
Birds, Cyborg, Empire, Federation, Lizards and Privateers
For planets with a temperature of more than 84°W, the maximum population can be calculated as follows:
(Maximum Population) = TRUNC((20099.9 - (200 * (Planet Temperature))) / 10)
For planets with a temperature of less than 15°W, the maximum population can be calculated as follows:
(Maximum Population) = TRUNC((299.9 + (200 * (Planet Temperature))) / 10)
For the remaining planets, the maximum population can be calculated as follows:
(Maximum Population) = ROUND( SIN(3.14 * (100 - (Planet Temperature)) / 100) * 100000);
Colonies, Fury and Robots
On hot planets, the maximum population for the Colonies, Fury and Robots won't fall below 60 clans. Beyond this number of clans, they will need to eat supplies.
On hot planets, the maximum population for the Rebels won't fall below 60 clans. Beyond this number of clans, they will need to eat supplies. In addition, for planets with a temperature below 20°W, the maximum population for the Rebels is 90,000 clans.
Colonist Population Growth
The population growth of colonists depends on the race, the planet's temperature, the colonist's happiness and the number of planetary structures.
In addition to the racial characteristics relating to population growth, there are several limits and modifications that apply to all races.
There is no population growth on a planetoid.
There is no population growth if the happiness is less than 70.
If there are more than 66,000 clans on a planet, the population growth is cut in half.
The population will will not grow if it exceeds the maximum population.
If there are Amorphous natives, the population growth calculated below will be modified, as the natives will eat clans. They will eat a minimum of 5 clans per turn. If their happiness drops below 95, they will eat
100 - (Native Happiness) - (Native Tax Change)
Under most circumstances, the Crystal population growth can be calculated as follows:
(Population Growth) = (Planet Temperature) / 100 * (Colonist Clans) / 20 * 5 / ((Colonist Tax Rate) + 5)
If the
Improved Desert Habitation
advantage is enabled, the calculation becomes:
(Population Growth) = (Planet Temperature) * (Planet Temperature) / 4000 * (Colonist Clans) / 20 * 5 / ((Colonist Tax Rate) + 5)
Other Races
For non-Crystal colonists, the population growth for planets with a temperature between 15°W and 84°W can be calculated as follows:
(Population Growth) = ROUND( SIN(3.14 * (100 - (Planet Temperature)) / 100) * (Colonist Clans) / 20 * 5 / ((Colonist Tax Rate) + 5))
Before the population growth, the Cyborg will assimilate natives. Each colonist clan will convert up to 1 clan of natives to 1 clan of Cyborg. The population growth will be based on this expanded population.
Colonist Overpopulation
If the planet/planetoid has more population that the maximum, the excess population will either need to have supplies present, or some of them will die.
The number of clans that can be supported by supplies can be calculated as follows:
(Clans Supported By Supplies) = ROUND((Planet Supplies) / 4)
Overpopulation in excess of that which can be supported by supplies will be reduced. The number of clans that will die can calculated as follows:
(Clans Killed) = CEIL(((Present Clans) - (Maximum Population) - (Clans Supported By Supplies)) / 10)
If colonist clans are killed due to overpopulation, it will occur after assimilation. In addition, if any population is killed due to overpopulation, supplies will be consumed according to the following formula:
(Supplies Consumed) = 1 + TRUNC((Colonist Clans) - (Maximum Population) / 400)
Native Taxes
If the native happiness is more than 30, the taxes collected from the natives are calculated as follows:
Taxes = (Native Clans) * (Native Tax Rate) * (Planet Tax Efficiency) / 10
The following should be kept in mind when working with native taxes:
The tax rate is between 0% and 100%.
The taxes that can be collected from the natives on a planet can not exceed 5,000 MegaCredits.
Each colonist clan can collect up to 1 MegaCredit from most natives (2 MegaCredits per clan from Insectoids).
The Planet Tax Efficiency is determined by the Native Government.
The Cyborg will not receive additional revenue if they tax their natives at more than 20%. The only thing that will be accomplished with higher taxes is that the natives will become more unhappy.
While Amorphous natives can be taxed, they will not pay taxes.
Native Happiness
The new native happiness value is calculated as follows:
(New Happiness) = (Old Happiness) + TRUNC((1000 - SQRT(Native Clans) - (Native Tax Rate * 85) - TRUNC((Factories + Mines) / 2) - (50 * (10 - Native Government Level))) / 100) + (Native Race Bonus) + (Nebula Bonus)
Native happiness is also decreased by combat involving orbiting starships.
The following should be kept in mind when working with native happiness:
The initial happiness is 80 happiness points. This will normally climb to 100 happiness points prior to first colonization.
The happiness can not exceed 100 happiness points.
The Native Race Bonus is 10 for Avians, but 0 for all other races.
The Nebula Bonus is 5 if the planet is in a nebula and has less than 50 light-years visibility.
After the new happiness is computed, if the natives are rioting (Happiness < 40), they will destroy 3 factories and 5 mines per turn.
After the new happiness is computed, if the natives are in a civil war (Happiness < 0), they will destroy an additional 8 factories and 10 mines per turn.
30% of the population plus an additional 100 clans (both the natives and the colonists) are killed. Amorphous natives are not killed during civil wars. If both the colonists and the natives are in a civil war, this population reduction is only done once.
If the happiness level is at 30 happiness points or less, any attempt at taxing the natives will produce no income. The tax rate will be reset to 0% in the early part of the next Host run -- before taxes are collected and happiness adjustments are made.
Native Maximum Population
The maximum number of natives that can live on a planet depends on the race and on the planet's temperature.
The maximum number of Siliconoid clans that can live on a planet may be computed as follows:
(Maximum Population) = (Planet Temperature) * 1000
Other Races
For the other races, the maximum population can be calculated as follows:
(Maximum Population) = ROUND( SIN(3.14 * (100 - (Planet Temperature)) / 100) * 150000);
Native Population Growth
In addition to the racial characteristics relating to population growth, there are several limits and modifications that apply to all races.
There is no population growth if the happiness is less than 70.
There is no population growth on uncolonized planets.
If there are more than 66,000 clans on a planet, the population growth is cut in half, unless the colonists are Horwasp.
There is no population growth if population is at or over the capacity.
The full population growth is applied even if it causes the population to go over the capacity.
The Siliconoid population growth can be calculated as follows:
(Population Growth) = ROUND((Planet Temperature) / 100 * (Native Clans) / 25 * 5 / ((Native Tax Rate) + 5))
Other Races
For all other native races, the population growth can be calculated as follows:
(Population Growth) = ROUND( SIN(3.14 * (100 - (Planet Temperature)) / 100) * (Native Clans) / 25 * 5 / ((Native Tax Rate) + 5))
Conquest and Happiness
When a planet is conquered, the happiness of the conquering colonists is set at 100 happiness points. Native populations will suffer a reduction in numbers and planetary happiness which will vary depending on the method of conquest.