On 11 May, 2012, a major change in the Planets.nu website was released. According to the original release announcement, the new site would continue to operate in parallel with the old for quite some time, and original functionality would be gradually phased out over time. The main reasons given for the site upgrade were to (1) improve touchscreen and tablet functionality, (2) migrate entirely to HTML 5.0 in order to ensure forward compatibility, and (3) provide a stable platform for a new version of the game client.
The new version of the site left beta in mid-2013 and became the primary version in November of that year.
As of this writing, the original website still exists and is accessible through a few of the lesser-used links on the new version of the site. The game interface is still functional (albeit never patched or updated), and the original Forum structure exists in archive form. However, the original site is not maintained, and it is highly recommended that players use the new version exclusively for games.
The two versions of the website use different types of sign-in credentials for access. This can cause some serious problems if one isn't careful.