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Non-standard Starting Scenarios

General Information —> Game Setup Options —> Non-standard Starting Scenarios

In addition to the "normal" games, supports a few non-standard starting scenarios by enabling several virtual selection switches during game setup. At this time, these are still under development, so use of any of these starting scenarios may require that the game be Private.

The following starting scenarios are supported:

In addition to the described settings, the other game configuration settings may also be modified.

Ashes of the Evil Empire

The "Ashes of the Evil Empire" starting scenario allows the host to set up a game where one player takes on all the other players. The one player is in the center, and will occupy the first player position. Ideally, the remaining players work together to conquer the one player. The following settings are used for this scenario:

Crazy Intermix

In the "Crazy Intermix" starting scenario, the worlds for each player are quasi-randomly distributed throughout the cluster. The following settings are used for this scenario:

Disunited Kingdoms

In the "Disunited Kingdoms" starting scenario, each player starts with a cluster of worlds around their Homeworld. The following settings are used for this scenario:

Wandering Tribes

There are three Wandering Tribes scenarios, all of which are described here. The following settings are used for this scenario:
