Neutron Star Clusters
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Neutron Star Cclusters are a close relative to the relatively harmful star clusters.
As with all star clusters, Neutron Star Clusters are huge collections of densely packed stars which can not be navigated by ships. Unlike their older harmful siblings, Neutron Star Clusters have the following effects with their neutrino radiation:
Planets tend to have a higher chance of natives, and tend to favor better governments.
Starbases that priority build a starship require one less PP, compared to starbases outside neutrino radiation.
Starships starting a turn inside neutrino radiation can move up to 30% farther (relative to warp speed), depending on the intensity.
Starships and starbases defend their colony with a 50% stronger shield reserve.
Neutrino radiation and nebula gasses that occupy the same space create a destructive environment that can severely damage (if not destroy) ships, based on their hull mass.