As a Measure of Military Strength
The Military Score is based on the VGA Planets "AutoScore" add-on, and it is the number on a game's Scoreboard marked as "Military". It is determined by adding the construction cost of warships, starbase defense posts and fighters, planetary defense posts, and minefields. The point value of the construction cost is 1 point for each MegaCredit and 5 points for each KT of mineral used in construction. Fixed-position items only receive half-credit, as they are considered to be less of a threat than a mobile fleet.
There are four items that are counted in the Military Score:
The cost of each warship is totaled for addition to the race's Military Score. Any ship with at least one beam, torpedo tube, or fighter bay is considered a warship for Military Score purposes. As a mobile item, the value of a warship is not halved. Each warship's value is totaled based on the entire cost of the hull, engines, beams, and torpedo tubes.
The cost of each loaded torpedo and fighter is also totaled for addition to the race's Military Score. When torpedoes and fighters are loaded onto ships, they are calculated as mobile items, with full point value. A loaded fighter contributes 125 points toward the Military Score. A loaded torpedo contributes 1 point per MegaCredit used to construct the torpedo (see the MC cost of Torpedoes ).
If a fighter is in a starbase, it contributes only 62.5 points toward the Military Score (see below: Starbase Defenses).
The additional MegaCredits required to clone a starship do not count toward the Military Score of the starship, only the normal costs.
Totals do not include cargo.
The cost of each starbase's Defense Posts and Fighters is totaled for addition to the race's Military Score. As fixed items, the value of starbase fighters and starbase defense posts are halved. Each starbase fighter contributes 62.5 points and each starbase defense post contributes 7.5 points toward the Military Score.
Torpedoes in storage and uncompleted ships do not count toward the Military Score
The starbase itself and the level of tech on the starbase do not count toward the Military Score.
The cost of each planet's Defense Posts is totaled for addition to the race's Military Score. As a fixed item, the value of a planetary defense post is halved. The value of a planetary defense post is based on the cost to build it: one supply unit and ten MegaCredits. Each planetary defense post contributes 5.5 points toward the Military Score.
The beams and fighters that a planet defends itself with do not count toward the Military Score, as they are a direct by-product of the number of defense posts on the planet.
The cost of all Minefields is totaled for addition to the race's Military Score. As a fixed item, the value of minefields is halved. To find the value of the race's minefields, the number of mine units contained in all minefields is totaled, then divided by one hundred (fractions are truncated). This is as if all minefields were scooped up (MSC) and converted into Mark 8 torpedoes. Half of the MegaCredit cost (but not the mineral cost) of this number of Mark 8 torpedoes (54/2 MCs each) is the point value added to the Military Score.
This is a simplified formula for calculating the point value of a race's minefields: If x is the total number of mine units in all minefields belonging to that race, then 27x/100 = points added to the Military Score.
As a Win Condition
A game can be decided based on Military Score as a Win Condition. It is available for custom-made Private games, but as it was found to heavily favor the races with the Build Fighters racial advantage, it cannot be enabled for Public games.
In such a game, the winner is declared when one player achieves a specific percentage of the Military Score. As a custom-game feature, this percentage can be adapted; the default is 65%. While the actual Military Score is displayed on the game's scoreboard, the percentage is displayed on the sector's main page, under the "Players" tab. It is displayed as a percentage next to each race's planet count.
There will be no Victory Countdown for a Military Score victory.
Teams or alliances cannot combine their Military Scores to achieve victory. It is designed to be an individual achievement.