NOTE: This page is under development, and no content here should be presumed correct. It is being painstakingly reassembled from notes kept on scraps of shredded and partly decomposed former pipelighters which had a previous and fulfilled existence lining the bottom of the cat box. Any attempt to in any way conflate this page with established and reliable documentation is punishable by bending, folding, spindling, and otherwise mutilating. All rights reserved, including the right to reserve rights, the exercise of which in no wise prejudices any future effort to reserve any rights at all.
Update of client-side actions
This step updates the Host with all purely internal client actions. Each of the following sub-steps are a part of this, with certain exceptions. These steps are intentionally performed first so there is no conflict possible with any action or event external to that player's turn.
Put simply, this is merely the Host updating itself with everything each player has done.
Validation of clientside orders
All data are uploaded. This includes everything from determining starship mass for ion storms and combining allied scan data through diplomatic changes and the like. Because these sub-items and others not enumerated don't interact the process is effectively simultaneous, the which fact can have some interesting consequences.
Own cargo transfers
This is all cargo moving to or from your own ships and planets, NOT including starbase and Friendly Code auto-transfers. Please note this is BEFORE the Rob mission.
Jettison also occurs here -- partly. Ships can dump their cargo, but if Fighters or Torpedoes are aboard and the ship is robbed later this turn and has no fuel, my understanding is that these jettisons are interrupted. Therefore, it makes sense to presume that Fighter and Torpedo transfers are moved to a later step, likely Transfers (ship to foreign ship).
Planetary structure and starbase items built
Starbases built
The timing of the previous two items relative to the rest is important, because once spent the resources cannot be stolen or captured in any way whatsoever. Note that Horwasp pod builds will take place during this step.
Kill Race (Fight or Fail)
This is the actual moment of death. Whether it is destined was already determined at the end of the previous turn, but FoF elimination of ships, starbases, and player occurs at this point, after all of the other substeps.
All actions resolve.
Even if there's a conflict -- FoF KillRace, for example -- every action will resolve. As of this writing, this actually can result in a starbase appearing and remaining present in the same turn that a player vanishes.
Lock towbeam
Towbeams lock here, but actual tow capture (if it happens) doesn't occur until later, during the applicable movement step.
Sage-class repair occurs at the end of this step. (CAMPAIGN)
Because Cloak comes after Tow Lock, cloaked ships can be towed, as long as the ship doing the towing can see them when towbeams are locked. Otherwise, cloaking makes ships unable to be targeted. (The exception is in the MvM training environment.)
Chameleon devices activate here. (CAMPAIGN)
Meteor shower
This includes both Massive and Small, as well as the Horwasp.
Wormholes spawn and change
Wormhole stability changes take place here, and then any new wormholes will spawn.
Sensor sweep, bioscan
Bioscan happens first, and these run in increasing order by ship ID. Not that it matters. The important thing here is that all these scans take place pre-move and pre-combat.
Loki first decloak
This is specifically before all non-Tow, non-Rob missions and before all movement. It's worth noting that it also comes before all Glory Device
activation. The two technologies interfere with one another, interacting in a complex pattern.
Cloak fail
This is specifically the 1% fail chance (optional, and not used at present), but it also includes Nebula-induced failure and that caused by damage. Interesting that it goes off AFTER Loki decloak, but since it's Boolean this order should have no impact on failure incidence, which is multiplicative.
Superspy, including Friendly Code changes and Ion Pulse
This is located just before Minefield FCodes -- it would have to be in order to be functional. Ion Pulse events also necessarily happen here; note that this is before all Glory activation.
Minefield Friendly Codes established
These are linked to the code of the friendly planet nearest to the center of the minefield; also, universal minefield Friendly Codes are applied here. This is before all movement or ground combat, and it is the step that specifically handles all Command Ship non-intercept movement interactions. Note that it takes place
Lady Royale generates MegaCredits
This is pre-Rob; it requires fuel, which cuts both ways.
Most Mission 9, in order of ID:
The below missions happen in this order, as best as can be determined. Any other special missions can be presumed to take place here unless otherwise documented. Examples of special missions that take place elsewhere include RGA and Pillage.
Takes place after SuperSpy Deluxe and before all other missions, not counting Tow Lock. This means that Rob can trump almost any other starship action taken.
Build fighters (includes
Repair Self (Cyborg)
Dark sense
Important to note that this, like Sensor Sweep and Bioscan, comes before all combat.
Cargo drop (ship to foreign planet - by ID)
All ground combat, including Imperial Assault, takes place here in a single sequence in order of ascending Ship ID.
Transfers (ship to foreign ship)
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. Please note that it's quite possible for a single ship to make multiple transfers to a single foreign target, so cargo space is irrelevant for the sender (but not the target, of course). Fizzled transfers often return to their original source, but some simply jettison into space.
It's worthwhile to remember that these two steps are sometimes concurrent rather than sequential, and that they share a process with Self-Transfer and Jettison in the opening step of Host. That last is primarily validation, all of which is done here at the end of the last transfer step -- even friendly transfers are validated here, particularly military ammunition jettisons.
Beam transfer Friendly Codes (by ID)
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. Targets (if multiple are present) are also in ascending order by ID, but amounts are determined simultaneously. Unlike with normal transfers, any transfer fails here due to full cargo-holds simply fail and are not reallocated.
Friendly Code give ships (
Planets beam up money (
In sequence, in ascending order by Planet ID. Targets (if multiple are present) are in ascending order by Ship ID. Transfer fails then simply fail and are not reallocated.
Beam Up (formerly Gather) missions
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID.
This is timed post-Gather Missions in order that (for example) Merlins can auto-load Supplies.
Command Ship Flotilla Mass Check
This step and those immediately following are Campaign only.
Command Ship Groups Move Towing
Command ships (presently only the Iron Lady Command) permit movement by their entire squadrons before any other movement -- and, to be specific, before minelaying or sweeping takes place.
This, like every other movement step, is preceded by a mass check, repairs, et cetera, and includes all the substeps of standard movement (including tow lock contests and tow capture). Only Tow and Standard movement is permitted here (including
and it runs in sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. Note that only ships moving in the same substep as the Command Ship qualify for the bonus; undisciplined Towing may interfere.
Command Ship Groups Move Normal
Command ships (presently only the Iron Lady Command) permit movement by their entire squadrons before any other movement -- and, to be specific, before minelaying or sweeping takes place.
This, like every other movement step, is preceded by a mass check, repairs, et cetera, and includes all the substeps of standard movement. Only Tow and Standard movement is permitted here (including
and it runs in sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. Note that only ships moving in the same substep as the Command Ship qualify for the bonus; undisciplined Towing may interfere.
Lay mines
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. This order determines the Minefield ID, which determines the order and execution of certain other events. Starbases lay mines after ships.
Lay web mines
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID, as above.
Ion storms move, then act
In sequence, in ascending order by storm ID. Each step cycles individually.
Warp recalculated
Storm movement
Heading recalculated
This is the heading for next turn's storm movement but this turn's ship push.
Adjust voltage
Adjust radius
Adjust voltage again for strengthening storms
This is when Strengthening storms can change to Weakening.
Interactions with nebulae and star clusters
Note that cloudy storms do not merge.
Decloak ships
Damage ships
Drag ships
Advanced Cloaking vessels are designed to be immune to ion storms while cloaked. There are rumors to the effect that this is not certain.
It should be noted that the storm will move before it hits ships, so vessels in the path of the storm are in danger.
New storms formed
Note that new storms don't destroy ships the turn they appear, but barring Divine intervention or a command ship, any interaction is probably unavoidable.
Degrade minefields
Mine sweep/scoop
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. As above, in
Lay Mines
, Starbases sweep after ships. Note that this occurs after ion storms move and not before.
Mine decay
The rate approximates to 95%. Note that this is a separate step and is effectively simultaneous, but that it occurs before minefields destroy each other.
Mines destroy mines
In sequence, in ascending order by Minefield ID. Each minefield interaction entirely eliminates one or both minefields. (NOTE: The permutations can be complex and not entirely consistent with a map picture.)
New minefield Friendly Codes established
In sequence, in ascending order by Minefield ID. This is the first Friendly Code alteration after Ground Combat.
Web drain
In sequence, in ascending order by Minefield ID. Reports are generated for field owners indicating drained vessels.
Starbases fix or recycle ships
Note that no starbase can do both in the same turn.
Priority builds
This step includes both Production Queue and Classic PBP systems. Technically, all component construction takes place during the opening step of the Host. Only assembly takes place here, pursuant to the Priority Build Queue or the Production Queue.
Note that this step and the other build steps following are detailed in the
Host Order Of Shipbuilding page.
First build new ships
As above, technically, all component construction takes place during the opening stages of the Host. Only assembly takes place here, pursuant to the Priority Build Queue or the Production Queue.
Clone ships
Component construction for cloning occurs here rather than during the opening stages of the Host. Note that Advanced Cloning takes place instead before the First Build, with the precise timing dependent on the queue system. This takes place in sequence, in ascending order by Starbase ID within the Build Queue (which will have a non- or semi-determinable start point under PQ or PBP respectively) and by Ship ID.
Super refit
In sequence, in ascending order by Ship ID. Note that this follows cloning.
Force Surrender at starbase
It's important to note this takes place after ground combat and before most movement.
Mass check, repair, &
This is before most movement, and after starbase repair of ships.
Empire Fighter Transfer takes place during this step.
Mass is updated immediately after each transfer. Supply repair of ships precedes the transfer for cargo capacity purposes.
Towing ships move
The following items are repeated identically within every movement phase. All movement is sequential, by increasing order of Ship ID.
Resolve tow lock contests
Check for impact
Warpwell calculation
Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel
Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for moving ships
Unique to tow movement is tow-capture, which should take place as soon as the tow is validated. (The exception is Ghost Ships.) Vessels that are unsuccessful at towing for any reason have their movement bumped to the standard movement phase.
Most ships move (Including
Tantrum Liner Tantrums
This only refers to the release of stored Ion Storm energy, not its collection.
Intercepting ships move
Including above substeps
Intercept happens last. The course of the interceptor is set between its origin point and the final destination of the target. Ships can be tracked by their interceptors to their final destination, even if that location is concealed (not counting Chunnel, which is post-movement). Classic Intercept is in order of ship ID, whereas Chained Intercept is far more complex and intuitive.
Star cluster radiation kills crew/colonists for non-moving ships
Tow Capture of Ghost Ships occurs at the end of this step.
Wormhole transit
Any ships with mission set to Enter Wormhole will do so at this point.
Glory device ships detonate
This is after most movement and before Chunnel -- and, specifically, before the second Loki decloak. Glories have one other detonation step; this is the first. All
detonations happen here.
Firecloud Chunnel
This is after all movement. Debris disk interactions are checked, but none of the other movement sub-checks are performed. (NOTE: Verify.)
Loki second decloak
Post-movement (and post-Glory) decloak. In truth, I believe this step to be redundant in that any ships decloaked here would otherwise be decloaked by the third Loki decloak, but I could be wrong.
Lorean Temporal Lance
Starbase Primary Orders
Refuel, Max Defense, Unload All Freighters, Load Torps Onto Starships, Repair Base, et cetera.
Starbases build 'free' fighters
Only for The Evil Empire.
Starbases dump parts (
Everything spare for guns, tubes, and engines is recycled. Anything reserved for the presently queued build is exempt. Hulls, torpedoes, et cetera are not recycled here.
Mass check, repair, and
The repair step takes place after movement (minefield interaction) but before combat.
New natives appear
Before combat. This means that even new natives have their happiness impacted by combat in orbit et cetera.
Land and Disassemble
Previously known as "Colonize". Again, it's important to note that this is pre-combat.
Energy Defense Fields Activate
Loki third decloak
A fresh-built Loki (or otherwise fuelless one) refueled by a starbase will decloak here, as will one repaired by supply use after a minefield strike or similar.
Glory device ships detonate
Post-movement, post-Chunnel, pre-combat, and after all Lokis.
Mass check, repair, and
Ships always have the chance to repair before combat. There is no way to avoid this.
Ship vs. ship combat
This step combines with the rest of combat in a complex sequence, detailed (more or less) in the
Order Of Battle page. The order, roughly, is: Priority Intercept Attack, Standard Ship-To-Ship, Repair, and Ship-To-Planet. For more information, please see the
Host Order Of Combat.
Cyborg gather debris
Gorbie Destroy Planet
The defender has every chance to stop the Gorbie before it fires. Note that this is Campaign only at present.
Mass check, repair, and
Ships can repair after all ship-to-ship combat. It's also possible for Cyborg ships to have acquired minerals to build torpedoes here.
Ship vs. planet/starbase combat
Minefield Friendly Codes established
New codes are established for those fields which are, after combat, closest to different worlds now. These will be the codes reported at turn's end, for display once the new turn is opened.
This begins a block of internal planetary calculations which have no impact whatsoever on any offworld object. A few of these steps are combined, but otherwise they're done in increasing order by planet (or ship) ID (as appropriate). The only observable effect of this multi-step block is to provide the order of generated reports.
Structure decay
If population has been reduced due to transfer, Glories, or combat (et cetera), or if it was reduced due to overpopulation, civil war, or Amorphous on a previous turn, structures will begin to be destroyed at this point.
Pillage/Plunder planets
Maximum of one Pillage per planet per turn.
Rebel Ground Attack
Maximum of one RGA per planet per turn.
Happiness change computed
Populations recover a bit after Pillage and RGA and before other effects are considered.
Supplies produced
This includes Bovinoids. Note that it takes place after RGA and decay.
Campaign only.
Taxes produce MegaCredits
Cyborg assimilate natives
Important to note that this takes place after taxes and before population growth.
Population growth
Both Colonists and Natives.
Overpopulation dies/eats supplies
Amorphous worms eat clans
Civil wars
Ore Condensing
Campaign only. The Armored Ore Condenser modifies a planet before mines produce.
Mines produce minerals
Trans-uranium mutation
Second priority build (Classic PBP system only)
In Classic PBP only, Priority points are used post-combat.
Second starship build
Again, technically, all component construction takes place during the opening stages of the Host. Only assembly takes place here, pursuant to the Priority Build Queue or the Production Queue. It is worthy of note that no priority builds take place here under the PQ system, which means that combat losses are replaced first out of standard builds and only in later turns are priority points earned in combat consumed.
No cloning takes place in this step under either system.
Mass check, repair, and
This step combines the post-build mass check with the post-combat repair. It is the last Host computational step.
Autobuild to Targets
Structure construction is never finalized until the next Host, but this is where autobuild commands are fulfilled. This is the beginning of the end step, which can roughly be lumped together as 'building the next turn'.
Scan (also Explore)
This includes ship and planet scans, Imperial Dark Detection, Nebula exploration, et cetera.
Scan for starships
Empire Dark Detection
Scan for Planets (Explore and Nebulas)
Share ally information
Share Intel also takes place here.
Make scoreboard; includes Priority Build Points
- FoF Warning and Detection (if active)
During this substep, a flag can be set which will be activated at the beginning of the following Host run, signalling the dismantling of a race from FoF.
Send Player to Player Messages
Check for Winner
The preceding three steps are done player by player in increasing order, and include elimination determination. This has the odd effect that, in the event multiple players win simultaneously, ties are broken by player number.