This page provide links to guides related to weapons and combat. Much of this information is highly technical in nature, and is not designed for beginners.
This section of the documentation is dedicated to providing players with suggestions and advice on how to play better. Unlike the other sections, there is a large amount of subjective material here. These are opinions as to how to play and ideas about advanced play. If an idea works for you, feel free to use it. If it doesn't work for you, don't use it.
Much of this information is external to Most of the external information was written for the VGA Planets game from which was derived, and may not accurately reflect how to do a specific task at The editors of the Planets Magazine work to keep their information current, but even there some outdated guides may exist, so use caution.
If an article is external to, the URL will be the link. If it's local, the title will be the link.
Two decades ago, Jan "Sirius" Klingele wrote this masterful guide to the mechanics of combat. Even today, almost all of the information is perfectly valid. Anyone who wishes to understand how combat works should be prepared to spend some time here.
This guide assists the user in selecting the best weapon for a specific task. It was written for VGAP.
This guide covers minesweeping. It was written for VGAP.
This is a guide to using minefields as a way to convert torpedoes from one technology to another. It was written for VGAP, so it may not be completely accurate.
Please be warned that use of this conversion method while large enemy ships are nearby could result in substantial losses due to enemy mine sweeping.
This guide covers the advanced concepts involved in combat from the left vs. combat from the right.