Change Log
General Information —> Change Log
This is a Change Log for the Client and Host software. The Host software includes the actual Host code (runs turns), the various utilities and all the "glue" code that holds it all together.
Since not every change makes it into the Log, we've also created a list of the announcements of important alterations and improvements. That list can be found
Fixed map blanking after resizing
Fixed VCR running double speed when one was started before the previous one ended
VCR now respects sound effects on/off setting
Added ability to buy fighters and torps from directly from ship transfer screen (at starbases)
Path intersects star cluster message repaired to appear again.
Improvements for drawing chunnels with sphere active
Tenacity History added to profiles history tab
API - Can load finished game turns without apikey
Fixed cplayer taxing over 100%
Allow players to rejoin MvM games they left, even if rank went up
Fixed B41b so neb scanner works
Fixed captured chameleon ships sometimes became ships they were posing as
Added setting to draw sphere border
Duplicate bases in sphere edges
Fix planet and base background colors in fleet view
Added starbase scan view
Fix links to players with multiple spaces in name (looking at you Emork)
Added setting for small transfer icons for lower-res displays
Added Hover Info options
Added Fleet View options - Show Ready Status, Show Towing Indicators
Bird advantages: Super Spy Advanced, Cloak and Intercept Mission
Improved Empire Fighter Transfer advantage: set specific target, send fighters "simultaneously"
Fixes for notes not showing and message feed disappearing in chrome
Corrected default ship scan range for custom games to 300 ly
Fixed sorting by FC for dashboard ship/planet/starbase lists
Allow "How To Play" docs to be viewed without being logged in
Fixed referral links not working in some situations
Fixed and re-enabled blitz/training game auto-delete, cleaned up some old games
Deleting private game now removes it from player history
Bird advantages: Super Spy Advanced, Cloak and Intercept Mission
Improved Empire Fighter Transfer advantage: set specific target, send fighters "simultaneously"
Return validation error if mining stations try to build ships
Force Surrender clears ship movement history
Fixed computer player dropping more clans than on board
Fixed homeworld flag sometimes incorrectly cleared in running start games
Removed ability to gain campaign resources for colonizing the same planet multiple times
Added Tenacity setting for custom games
Fixed strange chrome display error
Change listing order for interest games to show games closer to starting first
Added "players needed to start" to interest page games
Added links to how-to-play docs for settings in the game description
Added setting for sphere edge duplication range
Fixed fast start display in game lists to show the real number of turns
Fixed spacedock showing red text when exact materials for components
Holiday mode limit fixed
Intercept across edge fixed for sphere
Incremental FoF added
Fixed turn achievement corrected
Added end game announcements for public custom games
Fixed game list API call for multiple game ids
Corrected MvM game end error, cleaned up games stuck on hold
Removed single player level 11 until we're really ready for it
Fixed error with command ships as part of tow (broke other tows)
Captcha added at sign up
Profiles allow carriage returns, links
Tenacity leaderboard removed
New custom game settings - extended alchemy codes, bdX, and gsX must match
New account setting to display minefield size "pre-decay" when mine-scooping
Fixed ability to select text for copying
Fixed "bum" prediction, money does not go to own ships
Fixed incorrect mass prediction for merlins performing alchemy
Team games - your ships/planets no longer shows in ally color on scans
Duplicate email prevention
Tenacity fixes for determining original players
Replies in Game feeds sent to all players, regardless of author
Custom games - Automatic notification of schedule changes to players
Missed turns from private and blitz games no longer included in profile
Tenacity tracking started
New custom game settings - extended alchemy codes, bdX, and gsX must match
A few more intercept UI fixes, including for sphere
Added default settings for range circle and ship history
Minor fixes for FC color coding
Fixed single player level data corruption issue
No more duplicate FCs for ships built near the same time
Clear mission on fuelless ships set to intercept
Tenacity - Replacement players are not punished for leaving a game, added back the 20 turn minimum for sector rescue
Fixed requirements to join min rank games to be 2 over in another race
Fix winner display in Mentor vs. Midshipmen games
Activity feed Edit button added
Intercept mission changes - lock waypoint to target, auto-select target when only one possible, reset mission when intercept target invalid
Send ambassadors to all players button added
Settings dump added on game screen
Player limit increased to 35 for custom games
Send email notifications to game hosts for activity posts in their games
Changes to support edit button and intercept changes above
Minor chunnel display fix
Fixed webmine amounts selectors
Added unload button for ships orbiting your planets
For script writers: Modified callPlugins so you no longer need to include empty plugin methods
Fixed Leaking advantage info
Hide game passwords in API calls
See also:
Archived changelog pre-Beefer