Whenever starships with this ability come within 100 light-years of a planet, the colonists and natives become fearful and their happiness begins to drop. The closer the starship gets to a planet, the worse the effect. The impact on happiness will be between -1 and -10 happiness per turn in 10 light-year increments. This effect is not cumulative with multiple sources and does not affect natives on unowned planets.
Planets owned by the player who owns the starship, or any player with Safe Passage or better will not be impacted by this. Also, The Horwasp are inherently immune to Fear.
Distance (LY) Impact Distance (LY) Impact 91-100 -1 81-90 -2 71-80 -3 61-70 -4 51-60 -5 41-50 -6 31-40 -7 21-30 -8 11-20 -9 1-10 -10