This page is a work in progress. It is incomplete and probably contains errors.
The /game/loadinfo API call is used to get public information about a specific game, particularly the game's settings and some information about the players.
This is a public API call and does not require an apikey.
Data | Description |
gameid | Gameid number |
Data | Description |
game object | See game object in "games/list/" page. |
yearfrom | Nu year that game started. |
yearto | Nu year that game ended, or "?" if not ended. |
wincondition | "Diplomatic planets" etc. |
schedule | e.g. "Everyday until turn 15, then 3 per week." |
timetohost | e.g. "Next turn in 15 hours" |
haspassword |
True if game has a password,
False if not. |
settings object | Object holding game settings. |
array of players objects | Array holding public information about players in this game. |
array of interest objects | Array holding list of players who have registered interest in this game. |
array of relations objects | Array holding public alliance information. |
Settings object | Description |
name | "Centrum Sector" |
turn | 11 |
buildqueueplanetid | 0 |
victorycountdown | 0 |
maxallies | 1 |
mapwidth | 2150 |
mapheight | 2150 |
numplanets | 500 |
shiplimit | 500 |
hoststart | "6/27/2016 6:06:37 PM" |
hostcompleted | "6/27/2016 6:06:59 PM" |
nexthost | "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" |
lastinvite | "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" |
teamsize | 1 |
planetscanrange | 10000 |
shipscanrange | 300 |
allvisible | false |
minefieldsvisible | false |
nebulas | 0 |
stars | 0 |
discussionid | "" |
nuionstorms | false |
maxions | 4 |
maxioncloudsperstorm | 10 |
debrisdiskpercent | 50 |
debrisdiskversion | 2 |
cloakfail | 0 |
structuredecayrate | 3 |
mapshape | 0 |
verycloseplanets | 3 |
closeplanets | 12 |
otherplanetsminhomeworlddist | 155 |
ncircles | 5 |
hwdistribution | 2 |
ndebrisdiscs | 0 |
levelid | 0 |
nextlevelid | 0 |
killrace | false |
runningstart | 0 |
deadradius | 81 |
playerselectrace | false |
militaryscorepercent | 65 |
hideraceselection | false |
fixedstartpositions | false |
minnativeclans | 20 |
maxnativeclans | 90000 |
homeworldhasstarbase | true |
homeworldclans | 25000 |
homeworldresources | 3 |
gamepassword | "" |
neutroniumlevel | 2.08 |
duraniumlevel | 1.45 |
tritaniumlevel | 1.72 |
molybdenumlevel | 1 |
averagedensitypercent | 55 |
developmentfactor | 1 |
nativeprobability | 55 |
nativegovernmentlevel | 2 |
neusurfacemax | 250 |
dursurfacemax | 40 |
trisurfacemax | 50 |
molsurfacemax | 25 |
neugroundmax | 700 |
durgroundmax | 500 |
trigroundmax | 500 |
molgroundmax | 200 |
computerbuildships | true |
computerbuilddelay | 0 |
fightorfail | 0 |
fofincrement | 0 |
stealthmode | false |
sphere | false |
showallexplosions | true |
campaignmode | false |
maxadvantage | 500 |
fascistdoublebeams | false |
starbasefightertransfer | false |
superspyadvanced | false |
productionqueue | false |
productionbasecost | 1 |
productionstarbaseoutput | 2 |
productionstarbasereward | 2 |
endturn | 100 |
crystalwebimmunity | 0 |
fcodesmustmatchgsx | false |
fcodesextraalchemy | false |
fcodesbdx | false |
isacademy | false |
acceleratedturns | 0 |
id | 0 |
Players object | Description |
status | 1 |
statusturn | 1 |
accountid | 29231 |
username | "cogey" |
"" | |
raceid | 1 |
teamid | 0 |
prioritypoints | 0 |
joinrank | 0 |
finishrank | 0 |
turnjoined | 1 |
turnready | true |
turnstatus | 2 |
turnsmissed | 0 |
turnsmissedtotal | 0 |
turnsholiday | 0 |
turnsearly | 7 |
turn | 1 |
timcontinuum | 0 |
savekey | "" |
tutorialid | 0 |
tutorialtaskid | 0 |
megacredits | 0 |
duranium | 0 |
tritanium | 0 |
molybdenum | 0 |
id | 1 |
turnreadydate | "6/27/2016 6:47:22 PM" |
activehulls | "" |
activeadvantages | "" |
isregistered | true |
levelid | 0 |
levelhullid | 0 |
planets | 19 |
ships | 9 |
starbases | 1 |
Score object | Description |
dateadded | "6/27/2016 6:06:48 PM" |
ownerid | 1 |
accountid | 29231 |
capitalships | 2 |
freighters | 7 |
planets | 19 |
starbases | 1 |
militaryscore | 9851 |
inventoryscore | 337 |
prioritypoints | 0 |
turn | 11 |
percent | 6.23 |
id | 111 |
Interest object | Description |
username | Player's username. |
Relations object | Description |
playerid | 1 |
playertoid | 1 |
relationto | 0 |
relationfrom | 0 |
conflictlevel | 0 |
color | "" |
id | 1 |
{"success":false,"error":"gameid is required"}
{"success":false,"error":"game not found."}
{"success":false,"error":"An API error has occurred - Input string was not in a correct format ..."}